On Thursday 16 Mar 2006 20:41, Tobias Gerschner wrote:
> Hi,
> > now i'm facing the same problem as mark -i tried installing kdeutils and
> > it installed the newest pythong and now smart is dead :)
> > the latest python is the one that got installed and is causing problems
> Can you give please versions of both smart and python ?
> rpm -qa | grep python
> rpm -qa | grep smart
> thanks
> --
> Tobias Gerschner
> Member of Board of Yoper Ltd. NZ
> Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.
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Well, the whole lot seems pretty "fscked" up :(   rpm -qa whichever package 
does nothing at all. The terminal seems to fail to do anything at all. Even 
ctrl+c refuses to work once I call the rpm query.
But this would seem to be the same problem I have - I wanted kdeutils - so I 
had to upgrade python. The original settings for smart had no upgrade for 
python, so I added the range of packages from rocketfuel etc. Now it would 
seem that python 2.4.2-12 from the rocketfuel repo has caused some sort of 
issue. Nothing lets me add the version of python mentioned by Tobi earlier - 
rpm -Uvh /path/to/python-2.2 etc.rpm does not work, kpackage refuses - even 
as root, with the login manually error mentioned in the bugtracker already.
Will be interesting to hear how Seb gets on - there does seem to be an issue 
here though 
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