On Thursday 25 May 2006 10:43, Andreas Girardet wrote:
> Folks
> you know me. I am no enemy of clear words and of action.
> Honestly, if the attitude of Yoper developers for Eye Candy is that back
> wards, we might as well shut Yoper down. I will certainly not put my name
> on the line for a distro that is:
> 1.) Unstable
> 2.) Takes ages to install
> 3.) Has absolutely no up to date packaging and hardly any interesting
> packages (no OO!!!)
> 4.) Does not have the latest Eye Candy
> 5.) Where developers have left the ideal of taking the best of other
> distro's and integrate it
> Are you guys still doing Yoper or would it not be better starting your own
> distro? Maybe call if Flopper?
> Saying that Xgl "slows" things down is pretty laughable given the fact that
> XGL actually uses the Video RAM for its Rendering (and the GPU) and that in
> itself is more than what your Yoper is doing at the moment.
> I feel Yoper is diverting from its path and given the fact that you
> published an alpha that does not even install on standard systems (how
> apalling!), I think that you should review any future release. I will
> certainly have a word on anything that comes out as after all this is my
> baby and I will not let my baby run like that.
> Get my point?
> Andreas

I am not saying Xgl should not be included as an extra for Yoper, just that it 
perhaps should be something which is optional.
As I mentioned, I have no idea as to the requirements of Xgl - but you have 
some experience of it already and commented on that. If it uses the video 
ram, then that still excludes those users with more basic cards I guess?
Although Yoper, by its very nature, tends to be popular with those of us who 
have fairly powerful systems, there will be a number of people running high 
end boxes with older graphics cards - non gamers for instance, who have 
little need for the latest products from nVidia or ATI.  
Those are the people for whom Xgl may prove a problem?  I honestly have no 
idea about the project - its not my sort of thing. Of course, I am not 
responsible for what is or is not included in the distro - I leave the final 
decision to those who do the "real" work - developers etc.  My own view is 
that Xgl should be either an option from the repos or alternatively - but a 
lot more effort - perhaps 2 versions, one with max eye candy and one geared 
more towards those who wish to take advantage of the speed of Yoper, without 
the added overheads. With the original Yoper, there was always a significant 
number of users who wished to have minimalistic GUIs to take advantage of the 
speed of Yoper without any other concerns. I myself do this on my 2.1 and 2.2 
installs - I use Fluxbox or a cut down KDE, purely because those machines are 
a little older than my main system and I like to use the machines for day to 
day work. My main system is fairly high end but I use this for gaming and 
heavier compiling work.

It is good to discuss options :)  It may be that the guys wish to go with Xgl 
- and thats fine. But each of us should offer our view if we have one - 
whilst of course explaining our level of understanding of Xgl. I have stated 
that I have no understanding of it - and noted Andreas' info on this.

The current release of Yoper is, as Andreas mentions, alpha. Yes, it has 
problems with installing on some machines - but that is the whole point of 
alpha testing isn't it? Find the problems?   I remember the early 2.2 alpha 
releases - those were also equally problematic. But, even though 2.2.0-6 was 
never finally released, the testing version was very stable (with a couple of 
minor issues) - I still use it today.
The packages included are up to date - certainly far more so than many of the 
other distros out there! Have a look at Mandriva 2006 or Debian (chosen 
because I use those as well). Yoper 2.91 is far more up to date package wise. 
I have not used SuSE for a few years, apart from a very quick test of it a 
year or so ago - but from memory, the packages were similar to the Mandriva 

It will be interesting to see what others have to say on the matter - could be 
interesting ;)

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