A quick note of how the install of the Weekly iso 3 went.

I installed to a partition on my main system which was already partitioned 
into a 9 gig root, 512mb swap and 40 gig home.
The install went smoothly and I chose to manually add the info to my existing 
bootloader, so I cannot comment on how well Yoper picked up the other 
partitions on there.

Issues found are - 

1 As in the VMWare install, the CD is not detected after rebooting the first 
time, despite following the comments on the forum about only inserting CD 
when asked. To add the CD so I could grab the various files, I needed to add 
the installcd option which is mentioned in the forum (the info I received 
from Tobias in the irc chat).

2 No GUI is installed - presumably because of the CD issue above. I had no 
problems getting the gui installed once I could add the CD to the smart 
channels. This needs to be sorted for users however!

3 Powernow fails. I thought it may be simply down to the VMWare install I was 
using before, but it still fails - despite powernow working on the same 
system with other distros. Not a vital issue, but another small niggle which 
users will pick up on.

4 Sound. A horrific mess here! During install, all seemed to be OK - the 
alsaconf thing came up and correctly identified the card etc. However, when 
attempting to use the system, the Soundserver crash dialog was coming up 
every second or so at times! So frequently that it was unusable - I could not 
even type into a command line to kill artsd as the focus kept being stolen by 
the sound server crash box! Attempting to sort it via the Sound System box 
from the System menu was useless - it kept locking up/crashing the 
soundserver etc. I disabled the sound system in there but it kept throwing up 
the soundserver crash box.
Are others having this issue? I am prepared to look into it if it is common.

5 Packages. As I mentioned before, I think smartpm-gui needs to be installed 
as part of the gui system so users can use smart without resorting to the 
command line. 
Also I still think the smart channel which is there by default is incorrect. 
What should the correct channel actually be? I am currently using just the 
Because of the problems with the soundserver, I was limited to a few test 
package installs. These ran fine - smart works well. I did find Firefox 
failed to both add an icon to either the desktop or Internet section of the 
menu, and also failed to actually work. Even launching from a command line, I 
got nothing - no error messages but no Firefox either. That may be me - 
perhaps some dependancy is missing from the spec?

Sorry this all sounds a bit negative. I think the system is looking good and 
is fast! But these little issues will be picked up by users and we need to 
consider them before a final release I think. 

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