On Monday 22 January 2007 19:41, Tobias Gerschner wrote:

> 2007/1/23, Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > A quick note of how the install of the Weekly iso 3 went.
> >
> > I installed to a partition on my main system which was already
> > partitioned into a 9 gig root, 512mb swap and 40 gig home.
> > The install went smoothly and I chose to manually add the info to my
> > existing bootloader, so I cannot comment on how well Yoper picked up the
> > other partitions on there.
> It completely doesn't do that yet. So if someone knows an helpful
> tool. I am all ears.
> > Issues found are -
> >
> > 1 As in the VMWare install, the CD is not detected after rebooting the
> > first time, despite following the comments on the forum about only
> > inserting CD when asked. To add the CD so I could grab the various files,
> > I needed to add the installcd option which is mentioned in the forum (the
> > info I received from Tobias in the irc chat).
> Will look into it again. Having problems to verify that here. It works
> here. So without seeing the error I am walking in the dark.

No error message - just no cd added to the smart channels. 

> > 2 No GUI is installed - presumably because of the CD issue above. I had
> > no problems getting the gui installed once I could add the CD to the
> > smart channels. This needs to be sorted for users however!
> Yes, the basic package configuration does install a working gui + the
> smart package manager gui.

Frustrating then that the install fails to add the cd - or even recognise it. 
As has been mentioned before, it has to be manually added - the cd has to be 
mounted manually afterwards.
Carlos makes a good point that we need to avoid forcing the users into a 
command line. Whilst we are all happy to use it, there are plenty who really 

> > 3 Powernow fails. I thought it may be simply down to the VMWare install I
> > was using before, but it still fails - despite powernow working on the
> > same system with other distros. Not a vital issue, but another small
> > niggle which users will pick up on.
> Error Message ?

Will dig it out. It is possible that I have disabled powernow in the bios (I 
do that sometimes as it affects the game Deus Ex )

> > 4 Sound. A horrific mess here! During install, all seemed to be OK - the
> > alsaconf thing came up and correctly identified the card etc. However,
> > when attempting to use the system, the Soundserver crash dialog was
> > coming up every second or so at times! So frequently that it was unusable
> > - I could not even type into a command line to kill artsd as the focus
> > kept being stolen by the sound server crash box! Attempting to sort it
> > via the Sound System box from the System menu was useless - it kept
> > locking up/crashing the soundserver etc. I disabled the sound system in
> > there but it kept throwing up the soundserver crash box.

>The error is simple, solution unknown tho. The arts sound system is
>using a kde media player to play its sounds. That media player is
>present in the kdemultimedia package. It's seperated now and a smart
>install noatun may sort the issue. If so please tell me, so that I can
>adjust the package selection.

Quite likely to be the issue - playing a CD via Kaffeine works fine! Seems to 
be artsd related. Will see what happens with the install mentioned.

>> 5 Packages. As I mentioned before, I think smartpm-gui needs to be 
>> as part of the gui system so users can use smart without resorting to the
>> command line.
>> Also I still think the smart channel which is there by default is 
>What channels do you have ? Please show me smart channel --show

As per Chaks' post in the forum. I don't seem to get any connection to the 
server - I get a time out error. Could be something wrong here though! 

>> What should the correct channel actually be? I am currently using just the 
>> Because of the problems with the soundserver, I was limited to a few test
>>package installs. These ran fine - smart works well. I did find Firefox
>> failed to both add an icon to either the desktop or Internet section of the
> >menu, and also failed to actually work. Even launching from a command line, 
>>got nothing - no error messages but no Firefox either. That may be me -
>> perhaps some dependancy is missing from the spec?

>No idea, I do smart install firefox all the time on a very basic system.

>And well we want to iron out the negative things. So just keep
>mentioning them. Thanks a lot for testing !

Thats what I did here - smart installed Firefox - the program is installed, I 
get the option to right click and select open with Firefox, but I haven't 
tried that.  I have tried reinstalling it, but still nothing.  Will continue 
to look into that one ;)

About to add the nvidia drivers so I can start seeing how things work for 
gaming etc ;)

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