Refleksi: Tentunya rezim  SBY-JMK & konco-konco membalik muka sambil menutup 
mata,  mulut dan  telinga terhadap kejadian begini, karena yang penting adalah 
fulus, fulus,  karena mereka  berakal  bulus.

Indonesian maid falls to death while trying to escape employer

The Jakarta Post ,  Jakarta   |  Sat, 10/04/2008 3:19 PM  |  National 

An Indonesian working for an Egyptian family was found dead outside of an 
apartment building in Nasr City, Cairo, last Monday.

Suwin Satimah binti Takhiyat reportedly died after falling from her employer's 
apartment located on the 8th floor, Indonesian Embassy spokesman Danang Waskito 
said in a release made available to The Jakarta Post on Saturday.

The Cirebon native, said to have been working in Cairo for five months, is 
thought to have fallen to her death while trying to escape the building by 
using a makeshift rope out of bed sheets.

Danang added that a suitcase containing clothes belonging to deceased was found 
next to the body. 

He said the body was taken to Cairo's Forensic Hospital and the local 
authorities were cooperating with the embassy in investigating the case. 

The employer, an official at an Egyptian ministry, was reportedly away on 
holiday when the incident occurred. (amr

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