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e! Science News
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Pure insulin-producing cells produced in mouse

Published: Thursday, November 20, 2008 - 13:09 in Health & Medicine

Learn more about: harvard medical school high blood glucose levels insulin 
production islet transplantation mouse embryonic stem cells sai kiang

Singapore researchers have developed an unlimited number of pure 
insulin-producing cells from mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs). These pure 
insulin-producing cells, which according to electron microscopy studies, have 
the same sub-cellular structures as the insulin-producing cells naturally found 
in the pancreas, were highly effective in treating diabetes in the mouse model.

The transplants of pure insulin-producing cells reduced the blood glucose 
levels of diabetic mice with high blood glucose levels.

The experiments also showed that the subsequent removal of the transplanted 
cells from the diabetic mice restored the blood glucose to its original high 

None of the diabetic mice involved in the transplant experiments developed 
teratoma, which are a type of tumour often associated with ESCs and which could 
complicate their use in human therapeutic treatment.

Furthermore, the pure insulin-producing cells managed to retain their 
insulin-production and glucose-sensing capacity over time.

The Singapore researchers' achievement provides proof of principle that this 
strategy could be applied to human ESCs to obtain similar pure 
insulin-producing cells.

These research findings were published in two separate papers in the July and 
August 2008 online versions of the journal Stem Cell Research.

Conducting the research were scientists at the Institute of Medical Biology 
(IMB), which is under Singapore's Agency for Science, Technology and Research 
(A*STAR), and the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSoM ) at the National 
University of Singapore (NUS).

The team of researchers was co-led by Dr. Lim Sai Kiang, an IMB principal 
investigator and a research associate professor at the YLLSoM Department of 
Surgery, and Dr. Li Guodong, a research associate professor at National 
University Medical Institutes, YLLSoM, NUS.

Commenting about these findings, Dr. Gordon Weir, Director of the Clinical 
Islet Transplantation Program at Harvard Medical School, who also holds 
appointments at the Harvard Stem Cell Institute and Joslin Diabetes Centre, 
said, "The amount of careful work done by this group of researchers is 
impressive. We need something to put into diabetic patients to treat their 
condition, and these findings tell us interesting things about the development 
of beta cells."

The strategic approach by the group offers avenues for further research in the 
treatment for diabetes. Said Dr. Lim, "Our ability to isolate and then multiply 
insulin-producing cells from differentiating ESCs provides an unlimited supply 
of pure insulin-producing cells to study in unprecedented detail many aspects 
of these cells."

Added Dr Li, "Besides providing a tool to facilitate basic research in test 
tubes and animals, these insulin-producing cells may be also used to replace 
the isolated native pancreatic cells that are hard to obtain in a large amount, 
for pharmacological tests".

Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo

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