Jadi:   Netanyahu prinsipnya TIDAK menolak adanya negara Palestina..

Ini langkah yang harus dicatat - dan dihargai.

Thursday, April 16, 2009 
21:00  Mecca time, 18:00  GMT     
News Middle East  
Israel demands recognition   
Mitchell, left, reiterated his support for a two-state solution as he met 
Lieberman [AFP]     Israel's
prime minister has told a visiting US envoy that the Palestinians must
recognise the "Jewish state" before it will discuss establishing an
independent Palestinian state.

Benyamin Netanyahu made the
remarks as he met George Mitchell, the US special envoy for the Middle
East, in Tel Aviv on Thursday. "Israel
expects the Palestinians to first recognise Israel as a Jewish state
before talking about two states for two peoples," a senior official in
Netanyahu's office quoted the new prime minister as saying.
Earlier, after meeting Avigdor Lieberman, the Israeli foreign
minister, Mitchell had repeated Washington's support for a Palestinian
"I reiterated
to the foreign minister that US policy favours, with respect to the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a two-state solution which will have a
Palestinian state living in peace alongside the Jewish state of
Israel," he said.
"We look forward also to efforts to achieving comprehensive peace throughout 
the region."

Jacky Rowland, Al Jazeera's correspondent in Jerusalem, said: "This
is something that [US President Barack] Obama has overtly, clearly and
unambiguously committed himself to in speeches that he made to Europe
in the last few weeks.
Jerusalem digging deepens Israeli-Palestinian rift  
More videos ...  
"He really did state the US commitment to the two-state solution as
being the shape for a final agreement between the Palestinians and the
However, Netanyahu has said that he wants any talks with Mahmoud
Abbas, the Palestinian president, to focus mainly on security and
economic issues.
Furthermore, Lieberman, an Israeli nationalist, has flatly rejected
a restart of the Israeli-Palestinian talks launched by George Bush, the
former US president, in Annapolis in 2007.

On Thursday, the
Israeli foreign minister, said that "the peace process has reached a
dead end" and that "the new government will have to formulate new ideas
and approaches," according to a statement from his office.

Abdullah Abdullah, head of the PLO foreign affairs committee, told Al Jazeera 
that Netanyahu was not interested in negotiating.
"He only puts this condition to block, to sabotage, any attempt by the American 
envoy move the peace process forward," he said.

Peace 'roadmap'

committed itself to the principle of a Palestinian state under the 2003
international "roadmap" for peace, which included a series of steps for
Israelis and Palestinians to follow, eventually resulting in
negotiations over core issues and the creation of a Palestinian state.

Under the Annapolis agreement, the two sides began discussing those final 
status issues last year.

was expected to travel to Ramallah in the occupied West Bank on Friday
to meet Abbas, who has insisted that the new Israeli cabinet commit
itself to a two-state solution before the two sides can resume any

The negotiations were halted during Israel's 22-day
assault on the Gaza Strip, which left more than 1,300 Palestinians,
mainly women and children, dead.  
 Source: Al Jazeera and agencies   
Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo

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