I've put some thoughts into possible use cases, here are some that we have
been thinking about in the context of decentralized business applications.
Some of these concepts are things we are actually working on, others just

- blind auctions (including double dutch auctions)
- page-rank style algorithms on top of anonymous credentials or reputations
- build a password-based authentication out of any password hash
- give out "referral capabilities" that automatically assign a commission
to whoever introduced a subscriber who signs up (this would be part of a
privacy-preserving subscription service, that could be built on top of a
zcash-like (ZSL protocol) cryptocurrency)
- consumer credit scores: create a registry of "bad debtors". use zkproofs
both to "register" a bad debt/bad action and allow individuals to provide a
proof revealing your score without actual transaction details (not sure how
exactly this could work)

Curious to hear what other people have thought of!

On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 11:11 AM, Andrew Miller via zapps-wg <
zapps...@lists.z.cash.foundation> wrote:

> Dear Zapps, I just wanted to let you know that there will be a standards
> workshop organized by several academics / industry participants in May.
> https://zkproof.org
>  I want to make sure that the workshop includes input from all the groups
> involved in this open source community that are developing tools and
> applications and even making initial standardization efforts around
> portability between different libraries.
>  I'm especially interested in collecting application ideas to include as
> case studies to help make the conversation more concrete. So far I don't
> have many ideas. So far I have:
> - anonymous credentials
> - zcash
> - voting
> - sudoku solutions / contingent payments
> - compressing blockchain verification
> - a log of photo edits
> - checking that a cloud compute task was done correctly (this is arguably
> not specific enough).
> Suggestions of what I'm missing?

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