Hello everyone,

I'm currently working on a software entitlement project based around the
zsl implementation in quorum. A zsl token based software license for
product management. I'll share more when possible, but currently it has a
tight nda. But you can add it to the use case list at least.


On Sun, Apr 22, 2018, 10:32 AM Andrew Miller via zapps-wg
<zapps...@lists.z.cash.foundation> wrote:

> Hey Lucas, thanks for pointing this out, I've also found this to be a
> missing part of C-S notation. Here's one more subtle reason to be explicit
> about what are the public inputs. When you generate public parameters for a
> snark scheme, some public values may be hardcoded in the circuit, while
> others can be modified without changing the public parameters. Formally
> speaking, the hardcoded parts define the "NP language", while the public
> inputs define the "statement".
> I like your suggestion. For signatures I mentioned earlier using the
> bracket notation [m]. In LaTeX I have tried before using subscripts for
> public inputs. So for example:
>  SoK[m]_H{ (x): H = hash(x) }
> But this looks pretty bad in ascii compared to your suggestion. Really
> curious if others have preferences, I don't have a strong opinion here.
> On Sun, Apr 22, 2018 at 10:21 AM, Lucas Vogelsang via zapps-wg <
> zapps...@lists.z.cash.foundation> wrote:
>> Andrew, I wanted to follow up on your proposal of formulating ZkPoKs.
>  One thing that was a bit counter intuitive to your notation is the fact
>> that while it's very clear what private inputs a snark has, the public
>> inputs are not clearly designated. E.g.:
>> ZkPoK{ (R1, R2): H1 = sha256(R1) and H2 = sha256(R2) and R1 = R2 ^ X }
>> This example is simple enough that a) X is easy to spot and given it's
>> name it's easy to deduct that this is probably not a constant but a public
>> input. However if the snark gets longer, intermediary variables (just local
>> to the snark) and public inputs are hard to discern. Perhaps it would be
>> convenient to write it with the following syntax:
>> ZkPoK{ W = {R1, R2}, I = {X}: H1 = sha256(R1) and H2 = sha256(R2) and R1
>> = R2 ^ X }
>> Have you put any thought into this already? Comparing your notation to
>> Izaak's pseudocode, I think there is a right time and place for both.
>> Although perhaps by the time you're using your proposed syntax, Izaak, it
>> might be easier to just write it in snarky, don't you agree?
>> Lucas
> On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 6:10 PM, Izaak Meckler via zapps-wg <
>> zapps...@lists.z.cash.foundation> wrote:
> One application that I like: sending ads with a proof proving they were
>>> generated by some algorithm that is known not to have access to personal
>>> data.
>>> And I like that notation Andrew -- there is a sort of extension to it
>>> (which is basically the idea of snarky) which involves not having to
>>> declare all your witnesses up front. The main advantage over
>>> the Camenisch-Stadler notation to my mind is modularity/abstraction. (For
>>> example, you can factor out the idea of opening a commitment).
>>> This is a bit of a contrived example but to get the idea across,
>>> "sumCommitmentsIsZero" proves that you know openings to a bunch of
>>> commitments such that the openings sum to 0, say.
>>> def openCommitment(c):
>>>   (value, nonce) = *exists* OpenCommitment(c);
>>>   *assert* SHA256(value, nonce) = c;
>>>   return value
>>> def sumCommitmentsIsZero(cs):
>>>   *assert* sum(map cs (fun c -> openCommitment(c))) = 0
>>> (sometimes I call exists "request" instead.)
>>> If this sort of notation was widely used, people would probably know
>>> what you meant when you wrote openCommitment as a function, and so you
>>> could just write the second definition in communicating. There are a bunch
>>> of other reusable abstractions that arise in zk-proof programming that we
>>> could build up a shared vocabulary for as well to make communicating this
>>> stuff easier.
>>> On Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 4:05 PM, Andrew Miller via zapps-wg <
>>> zapps...@lists.z.cash.foundation> wrote:
>>>> Lucas's post reminded me of something I wanted to post about:
>>>> If there's one thing I'd like to take up the torch for and advocate as a
>>>> standard, it's to use a conventional pseudocode for describing snark
>>>> application ideas. What I have in mind is Camenisch-Stadler proof
>>>> notation. It looks like this:
>>>>  ZkPoK{ (witness):  Predicate(statement, witness) }
>>>> The idea is that "witness" is the private witness, "statement" is
>>>> public information that the verifier provides, and you replace
>>>> "Predicate" with whatever pseudocode you want to check.
>>>> Here are some examples:
>>>> 1. Pay-to-Sudoku:
>>>>  ZkPoK{ (solution, nonce):
>>>>      SHA2(nonce || solution) == H,
>>>>      CheckSudokuSolution(puzzleBoard, solution) == 1 }
>>>> 2. Show two hashes have related preimages:
>>>> ZkPoK{ (R1, R2): H1 = sha256(R1) and H2 = sha256(R2) and R1 = R2 ^ X }
>>>>   https://github.com/ebfull/lightning_circuit/blob/master/README.md
>>>> This notation is a starting point, it can be extended to say a
>>>> Signature-of-Knowledge, like in BabyZoe (a simplified form of ZSL,
>>>> where the only shielded operation is to withdraw 1.0 coin from the
>>>> shielded pool):
>>>> 3. SoK[tx]{ (secretkey, Com, merkleProof):
>>>>    // Com is included in the commitment tree
>>>>    MerkleVerify(coinTree, merkleProof, Com),
>>>>    Com is a commitment to (secretkey, Nullifier)
>>>> }
>>>> Notes on BabyZoe:
>>>> https://github.com/zcash-hackworks/babyzoe/blob/master/talks/2016-07-27-IC3---SNARKs-for-Ethereum.pdf
>>>> To take a stab at translating the snark-based password authentication
>>>> idea into this pseudocode, I think it could look like this:
>>>> 4. SoK[signedMessage]{ (derivedkey):
>>>>     username = SHA256(addrContract, derivedkey)
>>>> }
>>>> The user would then use standard PBKDF2  from something like:
>>>>    derivedKey := Argon2(addrContract, password)
>>>> so the snark circuit itself doesn't even have to have the expensive
>>>> hash. The smart contract would use the final password hash as the
>>>> username.
>>>> On Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 4:47 PM, Andrew Miller <soc1...@illinois.edu>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > That's awesome Lucas, thanks for this input, these are pretty cool
>>>> > application scenarios. They're all quite relevant to a standards
>>>> effort
>>>> > because they seem to involve interfacing between zkSNARKs and other
>>>> > standardized primitives (password hash functions, anonymous
>>>> credentials,
>>>> > extensions to ZSL).
>>>> >
>>>> > On Sat, Mar 24, 2018 at 4:42 PM, Lucas Vogelsang via zapps-wg
>>>> > <zapps...@lists.z.cash.foundation> wrote:
>>>> >>
>>>> >> I've put some thoughts into possible use cases, here are some that
>>>> we have
>>>> >> been thinking about in the context of decentralized business
>>>> applications.
>>>> >> Some of these concepts are things we are actually working on, others
>>>> just
>>>> >> ideas
>>>> >>
>>>> >> - blind auctions (including double dutch auctions)
>>>> >> - page-rank style algorithms on top of anonymous credentials or
>>>> >> reputations
>>>> >> - build a password-based authentication out of any password hash
>>>> >> - give out "referral capabilities" that automatically assign a
>>>> commission
>>>> >> to whoever introduced a subscriber who signs up (this would be part
>>>> of a
>>>> >> privacy-preserving subscription service, that could be built on top
>>>> of a
>>>> >> zcash-like (ZSL protocol) cryptocurrency)
>>>> >> - consumer credit scores: create a registry of "bad debtors". use
>>>> zkproofs
>>>> >> both to "register" a bad debt/bad action and allow individuals to
>>>> provide a
>>>> >> proof revealing your score without actual transaction details (not
>>>> sure how
>>>> >> exactly this could work)
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Curious to hear what other people have thought of!
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 11:11 AM, Andrew Miller via zapps-wg
>>>> >> <zapps...@lists.z.cash.foundation> wrote:
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Dear Zapps, I just wanted to let you know that there will be a
>>>> standards
>>>> >>> workshop organized by several academics / industry participants in
>>>> May.
>>>> >>> https://zkproof.org
>>>> >>>  I want to make sure that the workshop includes input from all the
>>>> groups
>>>> >>> involved in this open source community that are developing tools and
>>>> >>> applications and even making initial standardization efforts around
>>>> >>> portability between different libraries.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>  I'm especially interested in collecting application ideas to
>>>> include as
>>>> >>> case studies to help make the conversation more concrete. So far I
>>>> don't
>>>> >>> have many ideas. So far I have:
>>>> >>> - anonymous credentials
>>>> >>> - zcash
>>>> >>> - voting
>>>> >>> - sudoku solutions / contingent payments
>>>> >>> - compressing blockchain verification
>>>> >>> - a log of photo edits
>>>> >>> - checking that a cloud compute task was done correctly (this is
>>>> arguably
>>>> >>> not specific enough).
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Suggestions of what I'm missing?
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > --
>>>> > Andrew Miller
>>>> > University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
>>>> --
>>>> Andrew Miller
>>>> University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
> --
> Andrew Miller
> University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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