> The key patterns for 0MQ are (among others): lightweight, simplicity,
> non-intrusive, low-maintenance, high-performance, efficient,
> transparent.  I suppose you could call the assemblage the "0MQ
> Philosophy".
> This if very reminiscent of the core Unix experience vs. Multics, the
> "enemy" at that time :-)

Risking being redundant: this is the exact same thought process that brought me 
to 0MQ: C to Unix to multi-processing to C++ to multi-threading to Java to EJBs 
to JMS back to multi-processing back to "core Java" (no EJBs) back to "simple 
messaging" (no broker), finally landing on 0MQ (discovered by accident while 
reading LWN.net).

In my mind, 0MQ is also a key ingredient in solving another hot topic nowadays: 
massive parallelism. Good luck training your monkeys to program Scala or F#; I 
would rather have mine churning out single-threaded, simple modules that 
communicate among them using 0MQ.

My gut feeling is summarized in this sentence: "if 0MQ didn't exist, it would 
be necessary to invent it". Meaning that I ran into 0MQ after years of 
brain-background processing, and it made instant sense. Mind you, I am not 
claiming I could have done such a good job crafting it; what I am saying is 
that 0MQ simply seems to me a "bare necessity" nowadays.

> If the data representation layer is to be compatible with this
> philosophy, it will need to conform to the design, development, and
> usage patterns that evolve from our experiences with 0MQ.

Completely agree. The strength in this department lies in having such a 
light-weight protocol definition that easily bends to become anything one could 
possibly need.

> We should also probably study the way data is transformed in
> unstructured environments such as Unix, language environments such as
> LISP/Scheme et seq., etc., to understand how design simplicity and
> efficiency can coexist and have been wrung out of those systems.

Again, completely agree. I have never understood why it was necessary to invent 
XML when we have had S-expression for what, half a century now?

Again, to state it explicitly: thanks to the team for creating 0MQ. It fits 
perfectly into my infrastructure box.

Gonzalo Diethelm

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