
Well, after realizing its an issue with STL, I spent half the day on the net 
researching Android NDK and C++ STL.
Indeed, the default implementation is "minimal" according to the docs.
The issue is really an issue since we are using the Android NDK as standalone 
compiler.  As a full build env, you can specify in the Application.mk (their 
version of makefile) that you want to use STL.  They even support several 
versions of the library. 
So perhaps someone needs to repackage the whole directory tree into an Android 
project.  I think I lack the knowledge of how to do it. 

However, I did find that the standalone toolchain does come with gunstl_shared 
lib.  And I even managed to specify the proper argument to configure and to 
build new shared object files. 
However, now when I try to run the APK, I get an error about not finding 
libgnustl_shared.so.  tried to put it together with libjzmq.so, but to no avail.
I am running out of time with this experiment, they want to move to an all-java 
solution. So if time permits, I will try to build the 2.2 version.


-----Original Message-----
From: Victor Perron <vic...@iso3103.net>
Subject: Re: [zeromq-dev] zeromq-dev Digest, Vol 55, Issue 14
To: ZeroMQ development list <zeromq-dev@lists.zeromq.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


In that case it seems that you discovered something serious.
I took a look at it, and indeed the assign() symbol from std::string class 
seems undefined.
That would mean, Android does _not_ define such a function in its SDK.

Now, the proper way to get around this is a patch to Zeromq 3.x.
You'll have to fix those lines (my guess):

./src/ipc_listener.cpp:151:    filename.assign(addr_);
./src/socket_base.cpp:331:            options.last_endpoint.assign (addr_);
./src/socket_base.cpp:480:        options.last_endpoint.assign (addr_);
./src/tcp_address.cpp:503:        addr_str.assign (name_, delimiter -
./src/tcp_address.cpp:504:        mask_str.assign (delimiter + 1);
./src/tcp_address.cpp:511:        addr_str.assign (name_);

... and try to compile again. If there are no other undefined symbols, that 
should work.
That issue did not exist in ZeroMQ 2.2 though, that one didn't make an 
extensive use of std::string.

Keep me updated, we'll see for a pull request when I'll be less busy ;)

Best regards,

zeromq-dev mailing list

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