I have recently started to evaluate 0MQ, and as part of this evaluation I was 
trying the Pub/Sub example (Weather update client & server) from the guide. I 
compiled the C++ version and everything appeared to work fine.

I then tried updating the server, to slow down its rate of transmission. I 
added a sleep(1) (I also tried nanosleep to give shorter delays) to the end of 
the main loop and this stopped things working. 

The server continues to go slowly round the main loop, but clients no longer 
receive messages. A WireShark trace shows that clients still connect and 
exchange a number of messages with the server, but the clients are never sent 
the weather update messages. 

I assume it is reasonable to put a delay in the main loop, hence I am assuming 
there is a problem somewhere here. 

If it is relevant, I have zeromq version 3.2.1 compiled and running on Ubuntu 

Any ideas. 
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