Seeing as zeroMQ is most likely running on top of tcp in this case, it
seems natural that for small messages the processing time of this extra
layer of code is adding a noticeable processing time.
You can find a really detailed write-up on performance at

On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 7:51 PM, ashwini ramamurthy <
> wrote:

> Hi All,
> To compare the performance of zeromq and tcp  I did the following
> experiment
> *Experimental setup for zeromq *
>    -  android client(Motorola razr) which runs jeromq.
>    -  java server(PC running Linux) which runs java binding of zeromq
>    -  Using the REQUEST-REPLY messaging pattern
>    - Sending 100/1000 messages to the server and 100/1000 messages to
>    client (synchronous)
>    - The client sends a hello message and waits for a reply from the
>    server to send another message(ping-pong)
>    - The server waits for a message and replies with a hello for every
>    message sent
>    - Both the devices were connected through wifi
>    - *On an avg:For 100 messages the time taken was 937 msec*
>    - *On an avg:For 1000 messages the time taken was 8270 msec*
> *Experimental setup for TCP*
>    - android client (Motorola razr)
>    - java server (PC running Linux)
>    - Using a REQ-REP pattern(ping-pong)
>    - Sending 100/1000 messages to the server and 100/1000 back to
>    client(synchronous)
>    - Same as above, client sends a hello message to server and waits to
>    receive a world message before sending the next message.
>    - Both the devices were connected through wifi
>    - *On an avg:For 100 messages the time taken was 504 msec*
>    - *On an avg:For 1000 messages the time taken was 5240 msec*
> Is this excepted? or am i missing something or doing something wrong?
> Thanks,
> Ashwini
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