a ROUTER socket on the client can connect to multiple ROUTER sockets on

Such a client ROUTER socket can choose a specific ROUTER socket to send its
messages to.

On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 3:25 AM, ashish nagar <ashish_nagar...@yahoo.com>wrote:

> I am using ZEROMQ for distributed messaging application. Need to connect
> client (DEALER socket) to multiple servers (ROUTER socket on server side).
> What are my options on CLIENT side ?
>    1. Create DEALER socket on client side for each server endpoint
>    (ROUTER socket).
>    2. Create only ONE DEALER socket on client side and add multiple
>    endpoints.
> I tried option 2 - connecting to multiple endpoints but message always
> goes to the first connected endpoint. followed following steps: - create
> DEALER socket - connect to first endpoint - then on the run time, add
> another endpoint to the socket by using socket.connect(endpoint). Do I need
> to reconnect?
> In DEALER socket, there is no option to send message on a particular
> endpoint in case it is connected to multiple endpoints.
> Any idea?
> Thanks
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