The biggest problem with 280, mostly idle, threads would be the amount of
stack space the OS is required to reserve (1MB for Windows/2MB for Linux).
On a 64bit host this is unlikely to be much of an issue.

On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 6:11 AM, Pieter Hintjens <> wrote:
> 280 threads sounds fine unless you have data showing that it's a
> problem. That's easy to test on your target platform.
> On Sun, Dec 14, 2014 at 7:54 AM, Bob Clarke <> wrote:
> > Platform: 0MQ 4.0.4 on Windows 7/Windows Server 2008
> >
> > I am writing a server monitoring program to replace an ancient (1999)
> > program that is almost impossible to maintain.
> >
> > All of our application servers host proprietary Windows services written
> in
> > C++ (except for a couple .Net apps) that use a proprietary synchronous
> > request/response system (it works very well, has been for many years, and
> > isn't being replaced any time soon).
> >
> > The monitoring program sends test scripts to the server apps and waits
> for a
> > reply. In most cases, the reply is almost immediate, but in some cases,
> > there could be a delay of up to 30 seconds. So, to avoid one script
> causing
> > delays with others, each test script runs in its own thread. This thread
> > must send its results back to a listener, so it creates and uses a 0MQ
> > socket to do so. Each test script has a repeat interval; some are run
> every
> > five seconds, but most are run every 45 seconds, 90 seconds, or less
> > frequently.
> >
> > There are about 280 test scripts (we have thousands of servers across
> three
> > data centers), so I seem to have two unfortunate choices:
> > 1) Keep the script threads around so I'm not creating and destroying a
> > socket each time a test runs;
> > 2) Let the script threads terminate so I am not keeping 280 threads open
> at
> > once. Since the script repeat intervals are quite long in computer terms,
> > these threads will spend most of their time do nothing.
> >
> > I lean towards the first option, but opening and closing sockets that
> often
> > doesn't sound good. Then again, keeping 280+ threads around doesn't
> sound so
> > great, either.
> >
> > So before I go too far down this development road, does anyone have some
> > experience they could share?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Bob
> >
> >
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> >
> >
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