Here the issues on our Odroids and RPis are solved as well! Many thanks to Luca 
for spotting the zmq bug and patching it!


On 13 Dec 2016, at 19:47, Rodrigo Madruga 
<<>> wrote:

Updated to latest libzmq master and got the zbeacon class working now.

Tested with direct compilation on RPi3 and cross-compiled via 

Issue resolved.

Thank you Luca and zmq community!

Rodrigo Madruga.

Rodrigo Cheminn Madruga

Engenheiro de Desenvolvimento
Nexxtorage Cargo Technology
Fone/Fax +55 48 3341-4028<>

2016-12-11 13:20 GMT-02:00 Luca Boccassi 
Could you all please try with the very latest head of the libzmq master

I could reproduce the problem, but it's fixed now, see my comment:

On Mon, 2016-12-05 at 09:58 -0200, Rodrigo Madruga wrote:
> Hello Johan,
> We got the same behaviour here:
> - RPI3 running a zbeacon-publish loop being discovered correctly by a
> Linux machine
> - RPI3 running a zbeacon-subscribe loop do not discover anything at
> all
> As a temp workaround, we ended up replacing the zbeacon stuff with a
> working Qt class.
> I tried to change to czmq zsys_udp_new() in zsys.c to use the same
> options as Qt use to open the socket, but got no change in behaviour.
> Rodrigo
> 2016-12-02 12:51 GMT-02:00 Johan Philips 
> <<>>:
>         On 2016-11-28 19:03, Rodrigo Madruga wrote:
>                 A few more tests and information about the issue:
>                 pi@raspberrypi:~ $ uname -a
>                 Linux raspberrypi 4.4.26-v7+ #915 SMP Thu Oct 20
>                 17:08:44 BST 2016
>                 armv7l GNU/Linux
>                 Now testing with zmq and czmq from master compiled on
>                 RPI with default
>                 options:
>                 *CZMQ version: 40002*
>                 *ZMQ version: 40201*
>                 Tried setting ZSYS_INTERFACE with "*", "wlan0", "eth0"
>                 and also not set
>                 at all ("").
>                 Using VERBOSE with zbeacon always indicate the correct
>                 interface being used:
>                 - Without setting or "eth0":
>                     I: 16-11-28 15:30:09 zbeacon: interface=eth0
>                 address=
>                     broadcast=
>                     I: 16-11-28 15:30:09 zbeacon: configured,
>                 hostname=
>                 - Setting as "*"
>                     I: 16-11-28 15:25:18 zbeacon: configured,
>                 hostname=*
>                 Running sudo netstat -uac while executing tests had
>                 the following results:
>                 - No setting ("") - *notice that Recv-Q builds up with
>                 time!*:
>                     Active Internet connections (servers and
>                 established)
>                     Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address
>                  Foreign Address
>                     State
>                     udp     9408      0 
>                 <<>>
>                          *:*
>                     udp        0      0 *:bootpc                *:*
>                     udp        0      0 raspberrypi-001:ntp     *:*
>                     udp        0      0 raspberrypi:ntp         *:*
>                     udp        0      0 localhost:ntp           *:*
>                     udp        0      0 *:ntp                   *:*
>                     udp        0      0 *:mdns                  *:*
>                     udp        0      0 *:38304                 *:*
>                     udp6       0      0 [::]:ntp                [::]:*
>                     udp6       0      0 [::]:mdns               [::]:*
>                     udp6       0      0 [::]:43395              [::]:*
>                 - ZSYS_INTERFACE = "*":
>                     Active Internet connections (servers and
>                 established)
>                     Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address
>                  Foreign Address
>                     State
>                     udp        0      0 
> <<>>    *:*
>                     udp        0      0 *:bootpc                *:*
>                     udp        0      0 raspberrypi-001:ntp     *:*
>                     udp        0      0 raspberrypi:ntp         *:*
>                     udp        0      0 localhost:ntp           *:*
>                     udp        0      0 *:ntp                   *:*
>                     udp        0      0 *:mdns                  *:*
>                     udp        0      0 *:38304                 *:*
>                     udp6       0      0 [::]:ntp                [::]:*
>                     udp6       0      0 [::]:mdns               [::]:*
>                     udp6       0      0 [::]:43395              [::]:*
>                 The only difference from the netstat output for the
>                 QtUdpSocket version
>                 is that the Recv-Q is always zero.
>         We are experiencing exactly the same with our Odroids, only
>         strange thing is they are still being discovered by our linux
>         laptop but do not discover each other. Recv-Q on Odroids also
>         builds up
>                 Any tips are welcome...
>         Did you manage to solve your problem?
>                 Thanks!
>                 Rodrigo Madruga.
>         Johan
>                 2016-11-28 13:19 GMT-02:00 Wes Young
>                 <<>
>                 <<>>>:
>                     but is that what interface your app is listening
>                 (err telling
>                     zbeacon to listen on) for beacons on?
>                     (in addition in making sure you’re using the
>                 latest ver), follow the
>                     ZSYS_INTERFACE var a bit (it may or may not be set
>                 and be
>                     associating the beacon listener with the correct
>                 interface…)
>                     > On Nov 28, 2016, at 9:42 AM, Rodrigo Madruga
> <<>
> <<>>>
>  wrote:
>                     >
>                     > Broadcast messages are indeed reaching the pi,
>                 as shown by tcpdump:
>                     >
>                     >     pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo tcpdump udp port
>                 5670
>                     >     tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v
>                 or -vv for full protocol decode
>                     >     listening on wlan0, link-type EN10MB
>                 (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes
>                     >     13:33:56.203230 IP [REDACTED].5670 >
>        UDP, length 22
>                     >     13:34:01.072476 IP [REDACTED].5670 >
>        UDP, length 22
>                     --
>                     wes
>           <> 
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