
On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 9:14 PM, Benjamin Eberlei <kont...@beberlei.de> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> i want to propose the development of a CouchDB Storage Tiein for the
> Workflow Engine. It would be a considerable improvement over the
> Database backend, for various reasons:

Maybe abstract it to have easy tie ins for other document oriented databases?

> 1. Several variables are saved as PHP serialize() output in LONGTEXT
> fields in both the Workflow and Execution parts of the Engine. This is
> rather problematic (and ugly). Workflow just has many "unrelational"
> parts such as node configuration, execution state/variables and thread
> information. CouchDB could just nest them as sub-objects in JSON.

+1, and also return JSON constructs for potential use in view layers

> 2. Database backend uses serialized php data for Execution::$variables
> and Execution::$waitingFor, both variables that are interesting for
> querying the set of existing workflows. Views can be easily written
> using any of the two as keys to select for.


> 3. Both a workflow and an execution could be saved in a single document
> each.
> Why a workflow? Workflows are never updated, only saved with a new ID.
> Otherwise you could seriously destroy currently existing executions of a
> changed workflow. Therefore no problems exists with read/write
> contention or version conflicts.

Fair enough, is your use-case involving "long-lived" workflows?

About the execution, I see MongoDB as an attractive alternative too,
because it allows updates in place for a single key/field, further
minimizing the overhead for tracking this execution part

> Why an execution? It has to be resurrected from persistence completely
> in any case, the nested data is never of any interest in an incomplete
> context. You always need the whole data.

Indeed, at least for as far I dived into and understand the workflow
component at this stage

> What do you think of the idea? Is there interest in this development?

I think so, but I am biased towards doc-oriented backends anyway

my 0.02€


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