On Tue, 2010-07-27 at 09:52 +0200, Benjamin Eberlei wrote:
> Hey Paul,
> i already have a buggy and untested prototype of the CouchDB backend
> that is as small as 300 loc. I think an additional abstraction of the
> document
> layer may only complicate the implementation or just lead to all API
> methods being delegated to yet another backend. Its probably easier to
> just have an additional ezcWorkflowMongoTiein that is equally thin.

I second this - especially because of the quite fundamental differences
between CouchDB and MongoDB it sounds more feasible to write another
driver / tiein for that.

I like the idea of storing the workflows in CouchDB very much - as you
know I might have a usecase for that in the near future, too :).

I can't gauge your design decisions regarding the implementation, though
- since I just don't know enough about the Workflow component.

Kind regards,

Kore Nordmann                                        (GPG 0xDDC70BBB)
- What I do:                   http://kore-nordmann.de/portfolio.html
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