Bill Moore wrote:
> On Thu, May 18, 2006 at 12:46:28PM -0700, Charlie wrote:
>> Eric Schrock wrote:
>>>> Using traditional tools or ZFS send/receive?
>> Traditional (amanda). I'm not seeing a way to dump zfs file systems to
>> tape without resorting to 'zfs send' being piped through gtar or
>> something. Even then, the only thing I could restore was an entire file
>> system. (We frequently restore single files for users...)
> Remember, ZFS is a fully POSIX-compliant filesystem.  Any backup program
> that uses system calls to do its work will still function properly.  Why
> would you believe that your backup program doesn't work with ZFS?  Have
> you actually tried it?  If it doesn't work, that's a big bug for us.

Of course, using system calls isn't an issue. Most backup systems funtion at a 
higher level than read() however :)
I was thinking about amanda specifically, and I'd need zfsdump to do that. The 
result is thus:
If I want incrementals, I must tell amanda to use tar. Using 'dump' is 
preferred for many reasons.

And 'zfs send' is neat, but only mildly useful.

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