I should copy this to the list.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

On 6/23/06, Joe Little <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I can post back to Roch what this latency is. I think the latency is a
constant regardless of the zil or not. all that I do by disabling the
zil is that I'm able to submit larger chunks at a time (faster) than
doing 1k or worse blocks 3 times per file (the NFS fsync penalty)

Please send the script ( I attached a modified version ) along with the result.
They need to see how it works to trust ( or dispute ) the result.
Rule #1 in performance tuning is do not trust the report from an unproven tool :)

I have some comment on the output below.

This is for a bit longer (16 trees of 6250 8k files, again with zil disabled):

Generating report from biorpt.sh.rec ...

   === Top 5 I/O types ===

  --------  -  ----  --------
  sd2       W   256      3095
  sd1       W   256      2843
  sd1       W     2       201
  sd2       W     2       197
  sd1       W    32       185

This part tells me majority of I/Os are 128KB writes on sd2 and sd1.

         === Top 5 worst I/O response time ===

  --------  -  ----  ----------  -----------  -------
  sd2       W   175   529070671    85.933843  3559.55
  sd1       W   256   521097680    47.561918  3097.21
  sd1       W   256   521151968    54.944253  3090.42
  sd1       W   256   521152224    54.944207  3090.23
  sd1       W    64   521152480    54.944241   3090.21

Longest response time are more than 3 seconds, ouch.

          === Top 5 Devices with largest number of I/Os ===

  DEVICE      READ AVG.ms     MB    WRITE AVG.ms     MB      IOs SEEK
  -------  ------- ------ ------  ------- ------ ------  ------- ----
  sd1            6   0.34      0     4948 387.88    413     4954   0%
  sd2            6   0.25      0     4230 387.07    405     4236   0%
  cmdk0         23   8.11      0      152   0.84      0      175  10%

Average response time of > 300ms is bad.
I calculate "SEEK rate" on 512-byte block basis, since I/Os are mostly 128K, the seek rate is less than 1% ( 0 ), in other words I consider this as mostly sequential I/O. I guess it's debatable whether 512-byte-based calculation is meaningful.

      === Top 5 Devices with largest amount of data transfer ===

  DEVICE      READ AVG.ms     MB    WRITE AVG.ms     MB   Tol.MB MB/s
  -------  ------- ------ ------  ------- ------ ------  ------- ----
  sd1            6   0.34      0     4948 387.88    413      413    4
  sd2            6   0.25      0     4230 387.07    405      405    4
  cmdk0         23   8.11      0      152   0.84      0        0    0

  ===> Report saved in biorpt.sh.rec.rpt <===

I calculate the MB/s on per-second basis, meaning as long as there's at least one finished I/O on the device in a second, that second is used in calculating throughput.


Attachment: biorpt.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

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