This is my first post on the forums. I'm still trying to figure out whether I'm actually on the zfs-discuss alias and, if not, how to add myself to it!

Anyway, I'm looking for a way to get information like "zpool list" or "zfs get all <filesystem>" through an API instead of parsing the information from the CLI.

In the ideal world, I could just "get" a zpool object from the OS, which contained the zpool information and various zfs objects and do whatever I wanted with them.

Bill Sommerfeld wrote:
On Wed, 2006-08-16 at 11:49 -0400, Eric Enright wrote:
On 8/16/06, William Fretts-Saxton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm having trouble finding information on any hooks into ZFS. Is there information on a ZFS API so I can access ZFS information directly as opposed to having to constantly parse 'zpool' and 'zfs' command output?

Careful -- this isn't an API -- it's part of the implementation of ZFS,
and as a result it is subject to incompatible change at any time without
advanced warning.

In terms of our Interface Taxonomy, this is considered "Project
If you have specific requirements for a programmatic interface to ZFS,
let's hear them...  it's not uncommon for Private interfaces to get put
through some renovation and housecleaning and then promoted to a public
interface, but it's best for the conversation to happen first...

(And I can't speak for the plans/intentions of the core zfs team on

                                                - Bill

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