On Wed, Aug 16, 2006 at 01:09:59PM -0700, Frank Cusack wrote:
> Sorry, I'm an email deleter, not a hoarder, so this is a new thread.
> Usually I save a thread I'm interested in for awhile before killing it,
> but I jumped the gun this time.  Anyway ...
> I looked up neopath, cool product!

See also pNFS -- parallelized NFS -- an ongoing standards work at the

> But ISTM that to use it would give up some zfs features like snapshots.
> I would think that for home dirs, you can easily get away with using
> the automounter and you wouldn't give up a lot vs neopath functionality.

I think one should want to use filesystem migration for things like home
directories, and pNFS for large bodies of dynamic application data.

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