On September 7, 2006 11:50:43 AM -0700 Eric Schrock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Thu, Sep 07, 2006 at 11:32:18AM -0700, Darren Dunham wrote:

Lets imagine that I lose a motherboard on a SAN host and it crashes.  To
get things going I import the pool on another host and run the apps
while I repair the first one.  Hardware guy comes in and swaps the
motherboard, then lets the machine boot.  While it boots, will it try to
re-import the pool it had before it crashed?  Will it succeed?

Yes, it will open every pool that it has in the cache.  Fundamentally,
this is operator error.

That zfs needs to address.

What if I simply lose power to one of the hosts, and then power is restored?


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