Check the permission of your mountpoint after you unmount the dataset.
Most likely, you have something like rwx------.

On 10/5/06, Stefan Urbat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I want to know, if anybody can check/confirm the following issue I observed 
with a fully patched Solaris 10 u2 with ZFS running on IDE disks and how the 
state of the IDE/ZFS issue is in general in the development of OpenSolaris 
resp. Nevada:

I have observed the following issue: when I try to remove with

rm -rf dir

a whole directory tree named dir, only the regular files will be removed on 
Solaris 10 u2 (2006/06) when doing so on a ZFS file system residing on an IDE 
disk, but not the sub directories --- it is okay, when doing the same command 
on a SCSI disk.

Details: the directory traversal is malfunctioning or out of sync with the IDE 
disk, I fear, because if I do the following afterwards

find dir -depth -exec rmdir {} \;

the remaining, now aside from sub directories empty directories are removed silently and 
successfully. And this is exactly okay when using the -depth option only, because this 
guarantees the "right" directory traversal, where the exec is applied only on 
the leaves first and afterwards on the higher nodes.

If I rm -rf as root it works too, but as normal user it doesn't, though the 
directory masks are okay (755 for the owning user trying to remove). The --- 
too generic --- error message is

rm: cannot determine if this is an ancestor of the current working directory

(in German(auf Deutsch): rm: Es kann nicht ermittelt werden, ob dies ein 
Vorgänger des aktuellen Arbeitsverzeichnisses ist:)

and I fear too, that this is an outcome of the already described IDE/ZFS issue 
in Solaris 10. But it is the strangest thing when trying to remove a directory 
tree I ever happened to see on Unix in 15 years experience and a truely nasty 

When I understand right, this should only affect PATA=IDE, but neither SCSI (as 
observed by myself) nor SATA (this is only assumed).

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