> wrote:
> >- Should ZFS respect the umask setting even when it
> is creating the mountpoint?
> No  (I think this is being fixed).

Nice to hear, this is a very strange phenomenon as told.

> >- Should Solaris (in general) ignore mountpoint
> permissions?
> Yes, I believe so.
> Casper

I fully agree to this: I never encountered any comparable consequence of ill 
mountpoint permissions on any Unix: so I would expect a successful mount should 
always hide completely the original mountpoint permissions resp. render them 
irrelevant, only using the current, mounted file system permissions. 

By the way, I have to wait a few hours to umount and check mountpoint 
permissions, because an automated build is currently running on that zfs --- 
the performance of [EMAIL PROTECTED] is indeed rather poor (much worse than 
ufs), but this is another, already documented and bug entry "honoured" issue.
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