Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC wrote:
> On Dec 1, 2006, at 9:50 AM, Al Hopper wrote:
>> Followup: When you say you "fixed the HW", I'm curious as to what you
>> found and if this experience with ZFS convinced you that your trusted
>> H/W did, in fact, have issues?
>> Do you think that it's likely that there are others running production
>> systems on RAID systems that they trust, but don't realize may have bugs
>> (causing data corruption) that have yet to be discovered?
> And this is different from any other storage system, how?  (ie, JBOD
> controllers and disks can also have subtle bugs that corrupt data)

Of course, but there isn't the expectation of data reliability with a
JBOD that there is with some RAID configurations.

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