On Sat, 2 Dec 2006, Al Hopper wrote:

> > Some people on this list think that the RAID arrays are more likely
> > to corrupt your data than JBOD (both with ZFS on top, for example, a
> > ZFS mirror of 2 raid arrays or a JBOD mirror or raidz).  There is no
> Can you present a cut/paste where that assertion was made?

I don't want to put words in Chad's mouth, but I think he might be
misunderstanding representations that people make here about ZFS vs
HW RAID.  I don't think that people have asserted that "RAID arrays
are more likely to corrupt data than a JBOD"; what I think people ARE
asserting is that corruption is more likely to go undetected in a HW
RAID than in a JBOD with ZFS.  (A subtle, but important, difference.)

The reason for this is understandable: if you write some data to a
HW RAID device, you assume that unless otherwise notified, your data
is safe.  The HW RAID, but its very nature, is a black box that we
assume is OK.  With ZFS+JBOD, ZFS' built in end-to-end error checking
will catch any silent errors created in the JBOD, when they happen,
and can correct them (or at least notify you) right away.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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