Torrey McMahon wrote:
> Dana H. Myers wrote:
>> Ed Gould wrote:
>>> On Jan 26, 2007, at 12:13, Richard Elling wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Jan 26, 2007 at 11:05:17AM -0800, Ed Gould wrote:
>>>>> A number that I've been quoting, albeit without a good reference,
>>>>> comes from Jim Gray, who has been around the data-management industry
>>>>> for longer than I have (and I've been in this business since 1970);
>>>>> he's currently at Microsoft.  Jim says that the controller/drive
>>>>> subsystem writes data to the wrong sector of the drive without notice
>>>>> about once per drive per year.  In a 400-drive array, that's once a
>>>>> day.  ZFS will detect this error when the file is read (one of the
>>>>> blocks' checksum will not match).  But it can only correct the error
>>>>> if it manages the redundancy.
>>> Actually, Jim was referring to everything but the trunk.  He didn't
>>> specify where from the HBA to the drive the error actually occurs.  I
>>> don't think it really matters.  I saw him give a talk a few years ago at
>>> the Usenix FAST conference; that's where I got this information.
>> So this leaves me wondering how often the controller/drive subsystem
>> reads data from the wrong sector of the drive without notice; is it
>> symmetrical with respect to writing, and thus about once a drive/year,
>> or are there factors which change this?
> It's not symmetrical. Often times its a fw bug. Others a spurious event
> causes one block to be read/written instead of an other one. (Alpha
> particles anyone?)

I would tend to expect these spurious events to impact read and write
equally; more specifically, the chance of any one read or write being
mis-addressed is about the same.  Since, AFAIK, there are many more reads
from a disk typically than writes, this would seem to suggest that there
would be more mis-addressed reads in a drive/year than mis-addressed
writes.  Is this the reason for the asymmetry?

(I'm sure waving my hands here)

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