Hello Darren,

Tuesday, April 24, 2007, 3:33:47 PM, you wrote:

DJM> With reference to Lori's blog posting[1] I'd like to throw out a few of
DJM> my thoughts on spliting up the namespace.

DJM> This is quite timely because only yesterday when I was updating the ZFS
DJM> crypto document I was thinking about this.  I knew I needed ephemeral 
DJM> key support for ZVOLs so we could swap on an encrypted ZVOL.  However I
DJM> chose not to make that option specific to ZVOLs but made it available to
DJM> all datasets.  The rationale for this was having directories like 
DJM> /var/tmp as separate encrypted datasets with an ephemeral key.

DJM> So yes Lori I completely agree /var should be a separate data set, whats
DJM> more I think we can identify certain points of the /var namespace that
DJM> should almost always be a separate dataset.

DJM> Other than /var/tmp my short list for being separate ZFS datasets are:

DJM> /var/crash - because can be big and we might want quotas.

I agree - I've been doing this for some time (/ on UFS, rest of a disk
on zfs for zones and crash + core file systems with quota set).

DJM> /var/core [ which we don't yet have by default but I'm considering
DJM>            submitting an ARC case for this. ] - as above.

Definitely - we're doing this in a jumpstart but frankly it should
have been for years by default (even without zfs).

DJM> /var/tm     Similar to the /var/log rationale.

DJM> There are obvious other places that would really benefit but I think 
DJM> having them as separate datasets really depends on what the machine is
DJM> doing.  For example /var/apache if you really are a webserver, but then
DJM> why not go one better and split out cgi-bin and htdocs into separate 
DJM> datasets too - that way you have set noexec in htdocs.

DJM> I think we have lots of options but it might be nice to come up with a
DJM> short list of special/important directories that would should always 
DJM> recommend be separate datasets - lets not hardcode that into the 
DJM> installer though (heck we still think /usr/openwin is special !)

Definitely. We could scare people with dozen or more file systems
mounted after fresh install on their laptop.

However some time ago here was a discussion on 'zfs split|merge'
functionality. Is it going to happen? If it does then maybe only
minimum number of datasets should be created by default (/ /var /opt)
and later admin can just 'zfs split root/var/log'?

While having lot of datasets is really nice please do not over use it,
at least not in a default configs when probably it would introduce
more confusion to most users than do any good.

I would also consider disabling or changing default config for autofs
so local users would go to /home as most people expect by default and
then also create /home as separate file system.

So my short list is:


Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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