cedric briner writes:
 > >> You might set zil_disable to 1 (_then_ mount the fs to be
 > >> shared). But you're still exposed to OS crashes; those would
 > >> still corrupt your nfs clients.
 > Just to better understand ? (I know that I'm quite slow :( )
 > when you say _nfs clients_ are you specifically talking of:
 > - the nfs client program itself :
 >     (lockd, statd) meaning that you can have a stale nfs handle or other 
 > things ?
 > - the host acting as an nfs client
 >     meaning that the nfs client service works, but you would have 
 > corrupt the data that the software use with nfs's mounted disk.

It's rather applications running on the client.
Basically, we would have data loss from application's
perspective running on client without any sign of errors. It's a bit like
having a disk that would drop a write request and  not
signal an error.

 > If I'm digging and digging against this ZIL and NFS UFS with write 
 > cache, that's because I do not understand which kind of problems that 
 > can occurs. What I read in general is statement like _corruption_ of the 
 > client's point of view.. but what does that means ?
 > is the shema of what can happen is :
 > - the application on the nfs client side write data on the nfs server
 > - meanwhile the nfs server crashes so:
 >   - the data are not stored
 >   - the application on the nfs client think that the data are stored ! :(
 > - when the server is up again
 > - the nfs client re-see the data
 > - the application on the nfs client side find itself with data in the 
 > previous state of its lasts writes.
 > Am I right ?

The scenario I see would be on the client, 
download some software (a tar file).

        tar x

The tar succeeded with  no  errors at  all. Behind our  back
during the  tar  x,   the   server rebooted. No   big   deal
normally.   But with zil_disable   on the  server, the  make
fails, either because  some files from  the original tar are
missing or parts of files.

 > So with ZIL:
 >   - The application has the ability to do things in the right way. So 
 > even of a nfs-server crash, the application on the nfs-client side can 
 > rely on is own data.
 > So without ZIL:
 >   - The application has not the ability to do things in the right way. 
 > And we can have a corruption of data. But that doesn't mean corruption 
 > of the FS. It means that the data were partially written and some are 
 > missing.

Sounds right.

 > > For the love of God do NOT do stuff like that.
 > > 
 > > Just create ZFS on a pile of disks the way that we should, with the
 > > write cache disabled on all the disks and with redundancy in the ZPool
 > > config .. nothing special :

 > Wooooh !!noo..  this is really special to me !!
 > I've read and re-read many times the:
 >   - NFS and ZFS, a fine combination
 >   - ZFS Best Practices Guide
 > and other blog without remarking such idea !
 > I even notice the opposite recommendation
 > from:
 > -ZFS Best Practices Guide >> ZFS Storage Pools Recommendations
 > -http://www.solarisinternals.com/wiki/index.php/ZFS_Best_Practices_Guide#ZFS_Storage_Pools_Recommendations
 > where I read :
 >   - For production systems, consider using whole disks for storage pools 
 > rather than slices for the following reasons:
 >    + Allow ZFS to enable the disk's write cache, for those disks that 
 > have write caches
 > and from:
 > -NFS and ZFS, a fine combination >> Comparison with UFS
 > -http://blogs.sun.com/roch/#zfs_to_ufs_performance_comparison
 > where I read :
 >   Semantically correct NFS service :
 >      nfs/ufs : 17     sec (write cache disable)
 >      nfs/zfs : 12     sec (write cache disable,zil_disable=0)
 >      nfs/zfs :  7     sec (write cache enable,zil_disable=0)
 > then I can say:
 >   that nfs/zfs with write cache enable end zil_enable is --in that 
 > case-- faster
 > So why are you recommending me to disable the write cache ?

For ZFS, it can work either way. Maybe the above was a typo.

 > -- 
 > Cedric BRINER
 > Geneva - Switzerland
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