I reloaded my system on c0d0 messed up the rounding cyl, then when I reloaded 
the format command would only work on c0d1 and not c0d0, so then booted on the 
CD then redefined on c0d0 slice 3 - 7, to the original partition values. 

Where does the zpool info get saved, EFI label is mentioned in the man page? 
lucky my zfs file system was on c0d1 slice 5.
# zpool import
  pool: zones
    id: 4567711835620380868
 state: ONLINE
action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier.
        The pool may be active on on another system, but can be imported using
        the '-f' flag.

        zones       ONLINE
          c0d1s5    ONLINE

# df -k /zones
Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
/dev/dsk/c0d0s0      8068883 3603709 4384486    46%    /

# zpool import -f zones
# df -k /zones
Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
zones                61415424 38142886 23272221    63%    /zones
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