> > Now that I know *what*, could you perhaps explain
> to my *why*? I understood zpool import and export
> operations much as mount and unmount, like maybe some
> checks on the integrity of the pool and updates to
> some structure on the OS to maintain the
> imported/exported state of that pool. But now I
> suspect this state information is in fact maintained
> in the pool itself. Does this make sense?
> >
> In short, once a pool is exported, it's not
> available/visible for live 
> usage, even after reboot.
Do you think this panic when the root pool is not visible is a bug? Should I 
file one?

> > In that case, may I suggest that you add a note to
> the manual
> (http://www.opensolaris.org/os/community/zfs/boot/zfsb
> oot-manual/) stating that the pool should not be
> exported prior to booting off it?
> >   
> done
Perhaps you could include a link to this discussion thread, too (for those who 
want more information).

-- Doug
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