>> But to understand how to best utilize an array with a fixed number of 
>> drives, I add the following constraints:
>>   - N+P should follow ZFS best-practice rule of N={2,4,8} and P={1,2}
>>   - all sets in an array should be configured similarly
>>   - the MTTDL for S sets is equal to (MTTDL for one set)/S
> Yes, these are reasonable and will reduce the problem space, somewhat.
Actually, I wish I could get more insight into why N can only be 2, 4,or 
8.  In contemplating a 16-bay array, I many times think that 3 (3+2) + 1 
spare would be perfect, but I have no understanding what N=3 implicates...

>> While its true that RAIDZ2 is /much /safer that RAIDZ, it seems that 
>> /any /RAIDZ configuration will outlive me and so I conclude that 
>> RAIDZ2 is unnecessary in a practical sense...  This conclusion 
>> surprises me given the amount of attention people give to 
>> double-parity solutions - what am I overlooking?
> You are overlooking statistics :-).  As I discuss in
>     http://blogs.sun.com/relling/entry/using_mtbf_and_time_dependent
> the MTBF (F == death) of children aged 5-14 in the US is 4,807 years, but
> clearly no child will live anywhere close to 4,807 years.  
Thanks - I hadn't seen that blog entry yet...

> #define MTTR_HOURS_NO_SPARE 16
> I think this is optimistic :-)
Not really for me as the array is in my basement - so I assume that I'll 
swap in a drive when I get home from work  ;)

> There are many more facets of looking at these sorts of analysis, 
> which is
> why I wrote RAIDoptimizer.  
Is RAIDoptimizer the name of a spreadsheet you developed - is it 
publically available?

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