according to the zoneadm(1m) man page on s10u4:

     clone [-m copy] [-s zfs_snapshot] source_zone

         Install a zone by copying an  existing  installed  zone.
         This  subcommand  is  an  alternative way to install the

         -m copy

             Force the clone to be a copy, even if a "ZFS  clone"
             is possible.

         -s zfs_snapshot

             Specify the name of a ZFS snapshot  to  use  as  the
             source of the clone. The snapshot must be a snapshot
             of the source zone taken from  a  previous  "zoneadm
             clone" installation.

         The source zone must be halted  before  this  subcommand
         can be used.

but this doesn't work:

# zoneadm -z myzone clone -s mysnap blah
-s: illegal option -- s
usage:  clone [-m method] zonename
        Clone the installation of another zone.

without "-s mysnap", zoneadm simply copies the contents of the source 
zone, and doesn't do a "zfs clone" as it should. should I file a bug report?

I suspect that somehow the man page is out of sync with reality. most of 
the zones I want to create will be blank, and therefore will consume 
lots of disk space without the use of "zfs clone". how do I take 
advantage of "zfs clone" for zones?

and how does one sensibly back up the clones without duplication? "zfs 
send" on all of the ZFS filesystems will give me about 20 times as much 
data in the backup as I really need.


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