On 01/10/2007, at 7:46 PM, James C. McPherson wrote:

> Kugutsumen wrote:
>> I would like confirm that Solaris Express Developer Edition 09/07   
>> b70, you can't have /usr on a separate zfs filesystem because of   
>> broken dependencies.
>> 1/ Part of the problem is that /sbin/zpool is linked to /usr/lib/  
>> libdiskmgt.so.1
>> 2/ There are probably other broken dependencies since I've  
>> already  tried to create /usr/lib and copied the libdiskmgt to it  
>> and booting  still failed.
> I hestitate to call these "broken dependencies" - deliberate
> design decision is how I'd refer to them.

zpool and zonename are the only binaries in /sbin which links to /usr/ 
lib, all the others work are linked exclusively to libraries in /lib.

There is a reason we have separate /sbin and /usr/sbin  
directories ;). Historically, we always kept tools like fdisk, mount,  
ifconfig, route, sash, etc... so that in case of a failure you can  
recover the root partition easily and faster. Luckily with zfs, we  
don't have to wait hours for  and fsck run.

>> 3/ It is really hard to diagnose the problem because solaris will   
>> just panic, leaving you with a fraction of a second to read the   
>> message before it reboots.
>> 4/ Is there a way to add a time out to panic reboots? I guess  
>> I'll  have to use a video camera to capture the error message.
> Add "-kv" to the kernel$ line in your grub menu entry. That will
> leave the system at kmdb on panic, and you can then run
> ::status
> ::msgbuf
> *panic_thread::findstack -v
> The output will be handy when trying to figure out the root cause.

Thanks for the tip, I am going to try that in a minute and post the  
results. Someone else also suggest to use a serial cable.

>> It would be really nice if we could fix this bug then we could  
>> have  only a minimal root partition on two 1GB flash disk pool (/  
>> takes  about 500 megs) in mirror mode and have the rest of the  
>> system on  separate raidz2 pool.
> There is an active effort to minimise the requirements for Solaris
> in a similar model to what you suggest. However, I think it makes
> the assumption that /usr is on /.

It works fine with UFS filesystem and it should work on ZFS...  
especially Sun's documentation and several sun.com blogs suggests to  
separate / and /usr.


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