   I'm having a rather strange situation..

   I have 2 solaris 10 11/06 (patched aug-2007) machines in 2 different
   They boot and have their data on a SAN attached HDS-box (TagmaStore),
one each.

   The disks belonging to machine A, is copied witch HDS TrueCopy to
SAN-box in location B.

   If someone blows up location A, they should be able to stop machine
B, and zone in the copied disks
   and boot from them - thats OK, using VxVM 5.0 (free license less than
4 volumes) an NO MPxIO.

  (Well, that's another question - I really would like to use MPxIO on

   The datadisks I was supposed to use ZFS, but when I do a reconfigure
boot on loc. B,
    I expected to see my zpool imported automatically, but it was'nt.
    I could not import it at all.
    Even a #zpool import -D
    did not show anything.

    Where do I miss?  The SAN-folks says Truecopy copies entire disk
block by block?

Espen Martinsen                                       Email :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mnemonic AS, Wergelandsveien 25                       Phone : +47 2320 4710/00
                                                      Mobil :   +47 915 88 485
N-0167 Oslo, NORWAY                                   Fax   :    +47 2320 4701
SCSA, SCNA (PADI AOW 87191)                           http://www.mnemonic.no/
C5A0 2613 2E58 56B5 9A0D 6372 D030 EA44 CCD0 E158 keyid CCD0E158
/usr/sbin/dtrace -qn 'tick-1sec{printf("%d sec since epoch",`time);   exit(0)}'

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