Yes we do this currently on some systems where we haven't had time to install 
and test Cluster software.

Even old 3310 array can be setup so 2 servers have storage visible.  We export 
pool on one system and import it on the other, move over a virtual IP and the 
service is back up.

You *really* don't want the confusion of 2 servers accessing the same pool 
though, this will ruin metadata and you'd better have backups.  The problem I 
could see is some over-anxious admin does a zpool import -f  to force access on 
the backup server, and the primary server is not dead but perhaps VERY busy and 
suddenly un-hangs and thinks it still has control of the pool.  I'd get someone 
to pull the plug or if you have console bring it to OK prompt on the primary 
just to be sure of things.
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