Eric Haycraft wrote:
> The drives (6 in total) are external (eSATA) ones, so they have their own 
> enclosure that I can't open without voiding the warranty... I destroyed one 
> enclosure trying out ways to get it to work and learned that there was no way 
> to open them up without wrecking the case :(
> I have 2 meter sata to esata cables. 
> The drives are 750GB FreeAgent Pro USB/eSATA drives from Seagate. 
> Thanks for your help.

IIRC, eSATA has different signalling specifications from (i)SATA (higher 
voltages, for example).

This would mean that a (passive) SATA-eSATA adapter on a SATA2 card 
could present its own issues.

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