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From: Paul Kraus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Nov 15, 2007 12:57 PM
Subject: Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS for consumers WAS:Yager on ZFS

On 11/15/07, can you guess? <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...
>  At home the biggest reason I
> > went with ZFS for my
> > data is ease of management. I split my data up based
> > on what it is ...
> > media (photos, movies, etc.), vendor stuff (software,
> > datasheets,
> > etc.), home directories, and other misc. data. This
> > gives me a good
> > way to control backups based on the data type.
> It's not immediately clear why simply segregating the different data
> types into different directory sub-trees wouldn't allow you to do pretty
> much the same thing.

        An old habit ... I think about backups along the lines of
ufsdumps of entire filesystems, I know, an outdated model.

        I also like being able to see how much space I am using for
each with a simple df rather than a du (that takes a while to run). I
can also tune compression on a data type basis (no real point in
trying to compress media files that are already compressed MPEG and

Paul Kraus
Albacon 2008 Facilities

Paul Kraus
Albacon 2008 Facilities
zfs-discuss mailing list

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