
> I should know better than to reply to a troll,

So which is it, Rich?  Do you 'know better' but lack even minimal self-control, 
or do you, however dimly, recognize that there's actually a difference between 
'trolling' and legitimate criticism (and are you so scared of the latter that 
you'll attempt to deflect it using - if that were possible - even less 
technical basis than Al had)?

 but I can't let this
> personal attack stand.

Let me be sure that I've got this right:  it's no problem for Crazy Al to call 
me a "professional spinmeister", to call what I've said "premium technical 
BullShit" and a bunch of other repetitive things throughout his post and to 
opine that it is a "complete waste of time and that there is nothing of 
technical value to learned from this text" (which may well have been true for 
Al given his obvious personal limitations, but he over-extended himself - 
itself probably not very difficult - when he presumed to extend that assessment 
to others). and generally to babble on in that vein without saying any more 
worth specific mention, but when I respond to him in technical detail (and, 
yes, comment upon the stultifying incompetence of his criticism) that 
constitutes an intolerable 'personal attack'?

(By the way, I think you meant above that you couldn't let it stand *without 
attempting to rebut it*, since it's actually still 'standing' just fine, right 
where I originally stood it.)

  I know Al, and I can tell you for a fact that
> he is *far* from "technically incompentent".

Even in the event (unlikely as it may appear) that this assertion might 
actually be defensible in some sufficiently-limited context (I certainly won't 
try to guess where), you're hardly getting off to a good start at convincing me 
that I should value your opinion of what constitutes 'fact' any more than I 
value Al's drivel.  But in the context that he chose to blunder around in here? 
 Nah, no chance at all:  he's a complete and utter bozo, as anyone who had any 
real clue about the subject would have no difficulty whatsoever discerning.

> Judging from the length of your diatribe (which I didn't bother reading),

Amazing:  yet *another* psychic!  *Naturally* there was no need to read it when 
your mind (or what passes for it) was already made up about what it must have 
said - not to mention that discussing its technical merit (should you actually 
be qualified to do so) could be dangerous to your biases.

It's beginning to look like incompetence may be somewhat endemic around here, 
though it's nice to see that at least some participants have apparently 
resisted infection.  But given that Al seems to have spent a couple of years on 
the "OpenSolaris Governing Board" (whatever that may be - I'll just take his 
word for it), one really has to wonder.

Of course, if one gives Sun the benefit of the doubt perhaps they just find 
that among that board's other more significant functions it's also a useful 
place where clueless blowhards can be parked to keep them occupied and out of 
trouble:  I'd be reluctant to venture into such speculation on the basis of a 
*single* example, but since you also appear to fit that description and to be 
associated with the same body...

In any event, one thing of which I can be fairly certain is that Plano is not 
the infamous village in Texas that is missing its idiot, nor is whatever 
village happens to be your own home.  It's beginning to look as if there may 
really be no one here capable of discussing these issues technically, which 
would go a long way toward explaining the knee-jerk castigation of anyone who 
presumes to suggest that your chosen baby is anything less than adorable.

- bill
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