On Sun, Nov 18, 2007 at 12:15:25 -0800, can you guess? wrote:
: > Big talk from someone who seems so intent on hiding
: > their credentials.

: Say, what?  Not that credentials mean much to me since I evaluate people
: on their actual merit, but I've not been shy about who I am (when I
: responded 'can you guess?' in registering after giving billtodd as my
: member name I was being facetious).

You're using a web-based interface to a mailing list and the 'billtodd'
bit doesn't appear to any users (such as me) subscribed via that
mechanism.  So yes, 'can you guess?' is unhelpful and makes you look as if
you're being deliberately unhelpful.

OK, it's in your email address, but various broken MUAs (Outlook and
derivatives for one) fail to show that.

: If you're still referring to your incompetent alleged research, [...]
: [...] right out of the
: same orifice from which you've pulled the rest of your crap.

It's language like that that is causing the problem.  IMHO you're being a
tad rude.  This doesn't help anybody.

Dickon Hood

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