Hi Tom, everyone,

Tom Mooney wrote:
> A little extra info:
> ZFS brings in a ZFS spare device the next time the pool is accessed, not
> a raidbox hot spare. Resilvering starts automatically and increases disk
> access times by about 30%. The first hour of estimated time left ( for
> 5-6 TB pools ) is wildly inaccurate, but it starts to settle down after
> that.

Thanks for your reply. I'm talking about zfs hot spares, not the hot
spare functionality of the raid box:

# zpool create -f data raidz c4t0d0 c4t0d1 c4t0d2 c4t0d3 c4t0d4 c4t0d5
c4t0d6 c4t0d7 c4t0d8 c4t0d9 spare c4t0d10 c4t0d11

I did my initial tests by pulling a disk during a 100GB sequential
write, so that should have kicked in a hot spare right away. But no hot
spare was activated (as shown by 'zpool status' and write performance
fell to less than 25%.

I have also tried to start resilvering manually, but that doesn't seem
to work either. I've heard from several people that currently, zfs has
problems with reporting the 'estimated time left' - but my issue is that
not only the 'time left', but also the progress indicator itself varies
wildly, and keeps resetting itself to 0%, not giving any indication that
the resilvering will ever finish. And with nv-b76, 'zpool status' simply
hangs when there is a drive missing, so I can't even really keep track
of the resilvering, if any.

So, at least for me, hot spare functionality in zfs seems completely broken.

Any suggestions on how to further investigate / fix this would be very
much welcomed. I'm trying to determine whether this is a zfs bug or one
with the Transtec raidbox, and whether to file a bug with either
Transtec (Promise) or zfs.

Regards, Paul Boven.

Paul Boven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> +31 (0)521-596547
Unix/Linux/Networking specialist
Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe - www.jive.nl
VLBI - It's a fringe science
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