James C. McPherson wrote:
> Anil Jangity wrote:
>> I have pool called "data".
>> I have zones configured in that pool. The zonepath is: /data/zone1/fs.
>> (/data/zone1 itself is not used for anything else, by anyone, and has no
>> other data.) There are no datasets being delegated to this zone.
>> I want to create a snapshot that I would want to make available from
>> within the zone. What are the best options?
>> If I do something like: zfs snapshot data/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> How do I make that snapshot available to the zone?
>> It seems like I got two options: 1. add dataset set
>> name=data/zone1/recover end
>> Then: zfs send data/[EMAIL PROTECTED] | zfs recv
>> data/zone1/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> I think this option might work, but using zfs send will just send the
>> whole data/zone1 file system which will use more disk space instead of
>> just sending snapshots.
>> 2. I was thinking, maybe I could do a NFS share of
>> /data/zone1/.zfs/snapshot to zone1. Then, do a NFS client access to that
>> file system.
> Hi Anil,
> I can't answer your questions directly, but I'd like to
> mention some of the things I've learnt while running zones
> with zoneroots on a zpool:
> - at this point in time, LiveUpgrade doesn't handle zones
>    with zoneroot on zfs. It's being worked on. In the meantime,
>    put your zoneroot on ufs.
> - It's better to do loopback mounts of your zfs so that
>    they're visible in the zone, rather than nfs mounts. I've
>    been told that this is due to the way that these two fs
>    types interact with memory allocation. (Note that I might
>    have that reasoning expressed badly - vm isn't my area).
I don't know if anything else breaks when you do this, but if you are
building software in a zone on a lofs filesystem, dmake hangs.  Regular
make works fine.

The output from truss is:

stat64("/export/home", 0x08045B60) = 0
llseek(8, 0, SEEK_CUR) = 0
llseek(8, 0, SEEK_SET) = 0
ioctl(8, (('m'<<8)|7), 0x08045714) = 0
ioctl(8, (('m'<<8)|7), 0x08045714) = 0
ioctl(8, (('m'<<8)|7), 0x08045714) = 0

repeated over and over.


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