>>     r/s    w/s   kr/s   kw/s wait actv wsvc_t asvc_t  %w  %b device
 >>     0.0   48.0    0.0 3424.6  0.0 35.0    0.0  728.9   0 100 c2t8d0

 > That service time is just terrible!

yea, that service time is unreasonable. almost a second for each
command? and 35 more commands queued? (reorder = faster)

I had a server with similar service times, so I repaired
a replacement blade and when I went to slid it in, noticed a
loud noise coming from the blade below it.. notified the windows
person who owned it and it had been "broken" for some time
and turned it off... it was much better after that.

vibration... check vibration.

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