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From: Michael Hale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: December 18, 2007 6:15:12 PM CST
Subject: zfs boot suddenly not working

We have a machine that is configured with zfs boot , Nevada v67- we have two pools, rootpool and datapool. It has been working ok since June. Today it kernel panicked and now when we try to boot it up, it gets to the grub screen, we select ZFS, and then there is a kernel panic that flashes by too quickly for us to see and then it reboots.

If we boot to a nevada v77 DVD and if we boot to that, we can do a zpool import and mount the zfs pools successfully. We scrubbed them and didn't find any errors. From the nevada v77 DVD we can see everything ok.

Here is our grub menu.lst

title Solaris ZFS snv_67 X86
kernel$ /platform/i86pc/kernel/$ISADIR/unix -B $ZFS-BOOTFS
module$ /platform/i86pc/$ISADIR/boot_archive

First of all, is there a way to slow down that kernel panic so that we can see what it is? Also, we suspect that maybe /platform/i86pm/ boot_archive might have been damaged. Is there a way to regenerate it?
Michael Hale

Michael Hale

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