I love the send and receive feature of zfs.  However, the one feature 
that it lacks is that I can't specify on the receive end how I want 
the destination zfs filesystem to be be created before receiving the
data being sent.  

For example, lets say that I would like to do a compression study to
determine which level of compression of the gzip algorithm would save
the most space for my data.  One of the easiest ways to do that 
locally or remotely would be to use send/receive like so.

zfs snapshot zpool/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
while [ ${gz} -le 9 ]
   zfs send zpool/[EMAIL PROTECTED] | \
     zfs receive -o compression=gzip-${gz} zpool/gz${gz}data
   zfs list zpool/gz${gz}data
zfs destroy zpool/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Another example.  Lets assume that that the zfs encryption feature was
available today.  Further, lets assume that I have a filesystem that
has compression and encryption enabled.  I want to duplicate that exact
zfs filesystem on another system through send/receive.  Today the
receive feature does not give me the ability to specify the desired end
state configuration of the destination zfs filesystem before receiving
the data.  I think that would be a great feature.

Just some food for thought.

Thanks in advance,

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