On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 11:34 PM, Will Murnane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 1:25 AM, Bob Friesenhahn
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  For obvious reasons (redundancy and throughput), it makes more sense
> >  to purchase two 12 port cards.  I see that there is an option to
> >  populate more cache RAM.
> More RAM always helps ;)
> >  I would be interested to know what actual throughput that one card is
> >  capable of.  The CDW site says "300MB/s".
> It looks like it's more like 600 MB/s.  See this thread on Hardforums:
> http://hardforum.com/showpost.php?p=1032222973&postcount=111
> for more details.  He's got a 1280ML and 24 disks with 22 in raid 6
> and 2 hot spares, getting up to 588 MB/s sustained block read
> according to HDTach.
> Two other people on that forum (handles Ockie and odditory) have those
> cards, and are similarly impressed, but I don't see benchmarks from
> them.  In any case, I agree with your suggestion: get two 12-port
> cards, or three 8-port cards, and save money and get better
> performance anyways.
> Will
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I'm sure you're already aware, but if not, 22 drives in a raid-6 is
absolutely SUICIDE when using SATA disks.  12 disks is the upper end of what
you want even with raid-6.  The odds of you losing data in a 22 disk raid-6
is far too great to be worth it if you care about your data.  /rant
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