On Tue, 15 Apr 2008, Maurice Volaski wrote:
> 4 drive failures over 5 years. Of course, YMMV, especially if you
> drive drunk :-)

Note that there is a difference between drive failure and media data 
loss. In a system which has been running fine for a while, the chance 
of a second drive failing during rebuild may be low, but the chance of 
block-level media failure is not.

However, computers do not normally run in a vaccum.  Many failures are 
caused by something like a power glitch, temperature cycle, or the 
flap of a butterfly's wings.  Unless your environment is completely 
stable and the devices are not dependent on some of the same things 
(e.g. power supplies, chassis, SATA controller, air conditioning) then 
what caused one device to fail may very well cause another device to 

Bob Friesenhahn
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
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