Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Apr 2008, Maurice Volaski wrote:
>> 4 drive failures over 5 years. Of course, YMMV, especially if you
>> drive drunk :-)
> Note that there is a difference between drive failure and media data 
> loss. In a system which has been running fine for a while, the chance 
> of a second drive failing during rebuild may be low, but the chance of 
> block-level media failure is not.

I couldn't have said it better myself :-).  The prevailing studies are
clearly showing unrecoverable reads as the most common failure

> However, computers do not normally run in a vaccum.  Many failures are 
> caused by something like a power glitch, temperature cycle, or the 
> flap of a butterfly's wings.  Unless your environment is completely 
> stable and the devices are not dependent on some of the same things 
> (e.g. power supplies, chassis, SATA controller, air conditioning) then 
> what caused one device to fail may very well cause another device to 
> fail.

Add to this manufacturing vintage.  We do see some vintages which
have higher incidence rates than others.  It is not often practical to get
all the disks in a system to be from different vintages, especially on a
system like the X4500.
 -- richard

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