Interesting problem. And yes you are right, there are a number
of problems to solve here, see:

-- mark

Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
On Mon, 21 Apr 2008, Mark A. Carlson wrote:

Maybe what you want is to archive files off to optical media?

Perhaps ADM - ?

That looks interesting, but true archiving is needed. The level of archiving for this application is that copies would be kept thousands of feet underground in a stable salt mine on continents 'A' and 'B'. An alternative is special temperature, humidity, and pressure controlled above-ground bunkers. It is desired that the data be preserved for hundreds or a thousand years, which would of course require copying to more modern media ever so often. The cost to create the original data is up to $200 million (today's cost) and it can not be recreated. The size of the originals to be archived ranges from 2TB to 400TB depending on how "deep" the archiving is.

The existing archive approach is in analog form but it is found that there is noticeable degredation after 50 or 100 years which is not possible to fully correct.

When saw a discussion of these requirements today, ZFS immediately came to mind due to its many media-independent error detection and correction features, and the fact that it is open source.

Bob Friesenhahn
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,

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